
Thursday 26 March 2015

EOTD: Sleek Arabian Nights Valley of Diamonds and Sultan's Garden...

I don't normally post two eye looks in a row, but it's getting close to the end of March and I'm running out of time to fill my quota of monthly EOTD's ready for the next giveaway! And besides, I thought this was an especially pretty look, so here we go...

This palette came into my loving hands last September, and being deeper shades, I put it away for the Summer, but it's time to explore all it's precious jewels all over again Base was the usual essence white kajal, and I pressed Sultan's Garden close to the top lashline. Valley of Diamonds went over the rest of the lid and underneath - this is such a gem of a shadow with tiny little sparkles dancing through it, which my camera doesn't pick up all that well, but in person, they're just like pixie dust 

In the crease I added Stallion - a gorgeous purpley matte, and on the waterline is bhcosmetics Waterproof Eye Crayon in the shade Huntress...

I was SO busy on this particular day I didn't get around to taking a full face and outfit shot - probably just as well because my top lip was still a bit swollen from a couple of nasty cold sores that even Compeed couldn't prevent - boo!

Gosh I love Sleek palettes - I have six now (one yet to crack open!), and you can bet I will keep adding to my collection as long as Sleek keep making them. They're fantastic value, the combos are inspired, and the pigments are brilliant 

Take care of you,
kats xxx


  1. This is such a deep, rich look that pairs perfectly with your eyes, Kat xx

    1. Thanks so much Indie - I was very happy with how this turned out, you'll be seeing a lot more of this palette this Autumn/Winter ♥

  2. Oh my goodness....I so want ALL THE EYSHADOWS IN THE WORLD...LOL
    I love the greens and the very pretty

    1. You and me both Fawn, although I wouldn't get to wear all of them even once, and there'd be the torture of choosing - actually I have enough trouble with what I already have lol ♡

  3. I love greens & purples too! I laughed at Fawn's comment above!
    I think I can see only a hint of the depth of the colours, but even so it's a winning look. Love Sleek!

    1. Me too hon - it's a rare thing for me to be attracted to almost all the palettes made by one company, and then to buy so many of them is really extraordinary ♡♡♡
