Tuesday, 9 December 2014

EOTM: Christmas Giveaway - "Your Favourite November EOTD"...

Well it's almost Christmas gals, so time for a special giveaway from Santakats, with a variety of goodies that I hope you'll love ♥  Everything is brand new, either purchased by me, or came in my Mirenesse VIP packs, and the total RRP prize value is over $190. You'll find closeups further down the page, but meanwhile here's the group photo....

There's a roomy tapestry type bag and matching coin purse, both fully lined, and the bag has two inside pockets and a shoulder strap. The base matches the red trim with some little brass studs to keep it off the floor, and the design is a mix of chic French girly type images. I actually wanted to keep this for myself because it's so pretty and stylish, but I already have more bags in my cupboard than I know what to do with ...

Next we have a bhcosmetics Duo Professional Blush Palette - all the hues are paired, and the ones on the left are mattes, while the others have a wee bit of shimmer and sparkle. The colours below are pretty close to reality, and it's only been opened once to take this pic...

Then we have three Mirenesse products, all in their original pouches with instructions for use - Crystal Colour Drops Hydrating Mineral Powders palette, Studio Magic Glow Powder, and a Glossy Kiss Lip Cheek Colour in the shade Cheeky Kiss - it's sealed so I have no idea what it looks like, but their website says it's "The lightest hot pink you've ever seen!". The Studio Magic Face Glow Powder is a soft golden "...finishing powder with Glow illuminating technology". According to the blurb, it can be worn over foundation or even just dusted over the top of a primer, and it'll make you look as if you've been lit from inside...

Here's the inside of the  Crystal Colour Drops palette - I already have one of these and it's great for contouring...
And last but not least is a pair of Lovisa ruby red earrings...

Interested? Well here's how to be in with a chance to score the lot - just choose which of the November EOTD's is your favourite from the eight pictured below, let me know in the comments section why you like it the most, and then follow the Rafflecopter entry instructions below ...

The Rafflecopter will decide the winner, so please make sure you read the Terms and Conditions inside (Australian residents only). Please note that leaving a comment, providing your email address inside the Rafflecopter, AND following my blog one way or another from the many choices listed are MANDATORY for entry...

This giveaway is now closed - check back later today to see who won!

Woo hoo! - random.org has chosen the beautiful Candice N. as the winner.  
Congratulations gorgeous! 
Candice please respond to the email I've sent you by 
Wednesday 24th December to claim your prize :-)

Edit: Candice has claimed her prize 
Best of luck gals!

Take care of you,
kats xxx


  1. My favourite November EOTD is #2 because I think the colours work really well together.

    1. Nice choice Chris - orange and soft green is one of my fave combos, especially for Autumn ♥

  2. #2 Orange and green....seriously what could be a better mix of colours? Especially with your amazing eye colour.....just works so wonderfully.

    1. Ha ha Fawn, #2 was pretty much a done deal for your choice - I agree entirely, it's a lovely mix ♥

  3. Gorgeous giveaway Santakats ❤
    My fave EOTD is number 1, I love how the colours blend together and how it looks a bit Christmasy with the red and gold.

    1. Hey there Angela, thanks for entering hon - so glad you like the gold and red mix, it was somewhat of an experiment, and I was happy with the results (that's not often the case lol) ...

  4. Definitely No 7 as it's the most loveliest green I have seen in a while and would certainly blend well with other colours and of course, look good on anyone that loves green.

    1. Ahh Mandy, I'm thrilled you like it sweetie - doing a green look tomorrow too, hope that one will take your fancy as well ♥

  5. I love #6. I'm a sucker for bright colours and you can do no wrong with the pink. Stunningly paired with those violet hues! <3

    1. Well now Candy, when I saw your name I didn't peek at what you chose, but I GUESSED you'd go for the hot pink - thanks gorgeous, and delighted you've entered ♥

    2. Pink can be a difficult shade to make work but you've managed to do it so well.
      P.S. Thank you for choosing me as the lucky winner! Ahh, so surprised & happy!
      I have just responded to your email. xx :)

    3. Thanks hon, and btw it wasn't me who chose you as the winner, it was the rafflecopter - it works in it's own mysterious way, but I was tickled pink that your name popped up, congratulations! xxx

  6. Love love no. 3! The bold colours go great together & that shade of blue is to die for!

    1. Hi there Jasmine, ooh yes, I reckon #3 is my favourite from last month too - I'm a goner when it comes to bright colour mixes, and I agree that blue is something else. Sugarpill shadows are absolute stunners xxx

  7. My favourite is number 3 because it reminds me of a peacock :)

    1. Absolutely Jazzy, you picked it exactly - I'm crazy about peacock colours, they always lift my spirits xxx

  8. I sit here for ages each time I've got to make a decision. I go from one to another & back. After careful deliberation, I've gone for #7. The sweep of greens from lime to forest green is so smooth yet dramatic.
    Love it!

    1. My dear neurotic, your comments always make me smile, especially the EOTM ones - you're a darling for expressing yourself so naturally, I always look forward to reading you hon ♥

  9. #1 - perfect colours for the Christmas season ahead! :D

    1. Thanks babe, actually it is rather festive now that I look at it Mayday - which reminds me I'd better start conjuring up some intentional Christmas looks, I'm running out of time lol!

  10. Hi Gorgeous, Do I really have to pick one??? I want to love them all!!! But If you persist on picking just one my eyes gravitated towards #3. The aqua blue color just looks lovely on your eyes. Reminds me of a calm lagoon pool.

    1. My dear sweet Moonlight, always a joy to read your words - gosh I could do with a calm lagoon pool with all this end of year madness that's going on, thanks for putting the thought in my head darling lady ♥

  11. Dear Santakats, my favourite look is number 6, it caught my eye immediately..you know me purple and pink always gets my attention. Claire xx

    1. I DO know you treasure, and I'm so happy you chose that one - it is a bit of a standout hey? Best of luck sweetie ♥

  12. Love #6 - the perfect look for partying in the holiday season!

    1. Hey Karen, it's a bit of fun isn't it - I did another bright pink one today, two pinks actually, will hopefully upload it before the weekend ♥

  13. There's something I love about #7. It looks so elegant and beautiful, and the colour makes your eyes (and hair) really pop! Just gorgeous xx

    1. Aww thanks honeybunch - just between you and me, if I could only have one colour eyeshadow in my kit (gaaaahhhhhh - what a frightening thought!) I'd choose a pretty green like this one ♥

    2. It's a good choice because it suits you so perfectly ;)

  14. My favourite is #6 - the fuchsia complements your eye colour so well!

    1. Thank you stackcats - it does make the green stand out a bit more, love it when that happens and I'm not expecting it xxx

  15. For the Christmas and New Year and depending on what you are wearing I love love love #6. Back up plan as always - next choice would be #7. Oh you have gorgeous green eyes and so so lucky to pull off all those shades.

    1. Thanks for such a lovely comment hon - #6 & #7 seem to be the most popular. Oh I hope you come back and read this reply because you haven't left your name - please let me know so I can verify your entry, don't want you to miss out xxx

  16. Number 5 - it's the perfect interplay of gold and green!

    1. Oh wow, you're the first to vote for this one TP - yet another experiment that turned out ok, delighted you like it babe ♥

  17. It's # 3 for me! It's telling me, "pick me, pick me!"
    I just love it Kat! It's so vibrant and so cheerful! I love how you can make green, blue and purple work together!

    I love the generous giveaway as well! I'm pretty sure the winner will be jumping for joy! :)

    1. Sweet Smiling, you ALWAYS make me smile honeybunch - thanks for posting such a happy comment ♥

  18. Kat, I can't decide between # 6 and # 8. To pick a favourite, I'd have to do the old 'Einy, Meiny, Miny, Mo" thing!

    1. Lol Kellie, thanks for the giggle, like your choices though - good luck hon ♥

  19. 8 all the way...I'm a sucker for blue purple combo

    1. Well that makes it a bit easier hey Jo-Jo? - I've a bit of a passion for purple too. Thanks for entering hon xxx
